Friday, October 29, 2010

Caring for an elderly parent who is losing her memory.

Coming home to Mom having worked cutting branches off the tree outside and she had cut her finger, but not badly enough to need stitches. I have her wash it and I put a bandaid on. I thought my son was supposed to come by and cut the branches off but he didn't, instead he comes by and mom noticed a big tatoo on his arm. I hate tatoos and mom got really upset and was crying. He did go outside and work on the tree while I was trying to get mom to just sit down and relax. She then starts vacuuming her room and then then goes outside to the storage area and starts pulling things off the shelf trying to figure out if she need its. But it's already dark outside and still she won't calm down. I finally asked my son to leave and told him it was the only way to get her to calm down. It's hard on everyone in this situation.
That is my life now caring for an elderly parent who is losing her memory. Sometimes I feel angry and resentful and sometimes not, but I can't just move out and leave her here by herself and go live my life. I just don't think I could live with myself and probably would still be over here a lot.  Some days are better than others, today not so good so I'll leave it at that.

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